






Each device OP234 in this series is a gallium aluminum arsenide (GaAIAs) infrared emi?ng diode, mounted in a herme?c metal TO‐46 housing.



Each device in this series is a gallium aluminum arsenide (GaAIAs) infrared emi?ng diode, mounted in a herme?c metal TO‐ 46 housing. The gallium aluminum arsenide feature provides a higher radiated output than gallium arsenide at the same forward current.

Each OP231, OP232, OP233, OP234 and OP235 device is lensed to provide a narrow beam angle (18°) between half power points. The 890 nm wavelength closely matches the spectral response of silicon phototransistors, while the narrow beam angle – combined with the specified radiant intensity of the OP231 series – facilitates easy design in beam interrupt applica?ons in conjunc?on with the OP800 or OP598 series photosensors. The OP231 series is mechanically and spectrally matched to OP800, OP593 and OP598 phototransistors.

Each OP231W, OP232W, OP233W, OP234W and OP235W device is lensed to provide a wide beam angle (50°) between half power points. The 890 nm wavelength closely matches the spectral response of silicon photo‐transistors, while the wide beam angle provides rela?vely even illumina?on over a large area. The OP231W is mechanically and spectrally matched to the OP800WSL and OP830SL series devices.

Please refer to Applica?on Bulle?ns 208 and 210 for addi?onal design informa?on and reliability (degrada?on) data.

Custom electrical, wire and cabling and connectors are available. Contact your local representa?ve or OPTEK for more informa?on.

Features: ??

Focused and non‐focused op?cal light pa?ern ??

Enhanced temperature range ??

TO‐46 herme?cally sealed package ??

Mechanically and spectrally matched to other Optek devices ??

Choice of power ranges ??

Choice of narrow or wide irradiance pa?ern

Applications: ??

Non‐contact reflec?ve object sensor ??

Assembly line automa?on ??

Machine automa?on ??

Machine safety ??

End of travel sensor ??

Door sensor




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