






The OPB800L series, PCBoard mounting, of wide gap switch provides the flexibility of a custom device from a standard product line, while the OPB800W series, remote mounted,



Description: The OPB800系列 series, PCBoard mounting, of wide gap switch provides the flexibility of a custom device from a standard product line, while the OPB800W series, remote mounted, switch offers 24” (610 mm) 26 AWG wire interconnect. Building from a standard housing that utilizes a 0.375” (9.5 mm) wide slot, a user can specify the electrical output parameters, discrete shell material and the aperture width. Housings are made from an opaque grade of injection-molded plastic that minimizes the assembly’s sensitivity to visible and near-infrared ambient radiation. Discrete shells, which are exposed on parallel faces inside the device throat, are made of IR transmissive plastic (for applications where aperture contamination may occur) or of opaque plastic with aperture openings (for maximum protection against ambient light).Description: The OPB800L series, PCBoard mounting, of wide gap switch provides the flexibility of a custom device from a standard product line, while the OPB800W series, remote mounted, switch offers 24” (610 mm) 26 AWG wire interconnect. Building from a standard housing that utilizes a 0.375” (9.5 mm) wide slot, a user can specify the electrical output parameters, discrete shell material and the aperture width. Housings are made from an opaque grade of injection-molded plastic that minimizes the assembly’s sensitivity to visible and near-infrared ambient radiation. Discrete shells, which are exposed on parallel faces inside the device throat, are made of IR transmissive plastic (for applications where aperture contamination may occur) or of opaque plastic with aperture openings (for maximum protection against ambient light).


• 0.375” (9.525 mm) wide gap

• Choice of aperture size

• Choice of minimum photocurrent

• Choice of opaque or IR transmissive shells

• Available for PCBoard mounting or with 24” 26 AWG wires


• Non-contact interruptive object sensing

• Assembly line automation

• Machine automation

• Equipment security

• Machine safety





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